About the blog

This is a beta version of a blog I'll end up putting on its own domain, but let's do one of my favorite things. Let's expand and explore our sense and meaning of a word! In this blog, let's talk about "programming."

I mean, let's really open it up. We're not just talking computer programming (but, do let's); we're talking anything that could theoretically be seen through the lens of "programming." It could be social programming, education, B.F. Skinner, character development, holographs and fractals, iconography and poetics of experience, neurology, artificial intelligence, language, neurolinguistic programming, street magicians, addiction, gaming, comedians, muscle memory, martial arts, athletic training, choreography, body language and character armor, prejudice, racism, discourse theory, performance theory, acting, "script" writing, game theory, sports psychology, sales, marketing, management, money management, market dynamics, poverty, systems theory, top-down causation in physics, emergence in nature, evolution, innovation, art and pop culture, software development, singularity...

I started this blog with a narrow, limited dual purpose: to meet the requirements of an intro to online journalism class while exploring the field of computer programming. It was mostly multimedia projects, blog reviews and a couple interviews with professional programmers. Then, I left it alone at the end of the quarter.

But, with a drive to accellerate and expand my ... well, my everything, I decided to pick it up again to play around under this broad topic of "programming." Stay tuned for interesting and informative posts ranging from what I'm working on now to what others have done, to what I'm thinking about, to what I think others might work on in the future, to straight-up sci-fi, to — well you read the list up there.

I should really get a graphic for this page, don't you think?

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